Weekend Coffee Share


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It’s been awhile since I’ve posted for Weekend Coffee Share. I haven’t had a lot of outings or done much cultural exploring so with that and a lack of time, I’ve not shared.

Not too much has changed regarding my lack of time, but I’m hopping back in with my mundane doings.

My mother’s now been home from rehab for two weeks. Thanks God. Spending time in rehabs and hospitals is so energy-zapping.

I’ve been able to teach around my mom’s doctor’s appointments and my visits to rehab to make sure they actually give her the therapy she’s supposed to get. I saw early on that they’d give 15 minutes rather than 45 and bill Medicare for the full time. Disgusting.

I’ve especially enjoyed the special ed assignments where I can work one on one or with two students to focus on their particular needs. Yesterday, I returned to a favorite school where I haven’t been since March. What a troublesome class though. Fourth graders who walk on the tables and counters shocked me — a bit. I’ve seen that before at this school Does anything go? Evidently. A few other kids were just so gossipy and arrogant. Does this mean they’re ready for middle school? Why is this okay in middle school?

I’m reading Mercury Pictures Presents for my book club. It’s just so so. It reminds me of a lot of historical fiction that inserts modern feminism in an expected way into the past. Lots of clichés.

I’m also reading a nonfiction book about a 19th century murder case in Chicago. Blood Runs Green illuminates the Irish secret societies and rivalries in this era.

I’ve started working on getting a real estate broker license online. It’s a good skill to acquire.It would work well with subbing. A good way to keep busy.

Sepia Saturday


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Harris & Ewing, photographer. Bicyclists. United States, None. [Between 1915 and 1923] Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2016884995/.

This week Sepia Saturday challenges bloggers to share photos of bicyclists. Here’s what I found.

Dalrymple, Louis, Artist. A handicap needed / Dalrymple , 1898. N.Y.: Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2012647592/.
Sunday World May 3rd, 1896. [New York: publisher not identified] Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2015648000/.

CFFC: Indoor Seating


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For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge (#CFFC) I’m sharing some seating I saw at a women’s co-working space in 2019. I wonder if it survived past the lockdown. It is a nice idea, a place for female entrepreneurs to collaborate and gather while developing their businesses.

Thursday Doors Challenge


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Bucktown, Chicago

Here’s a modern door for the week. To see doors of all sorts of eras and styles, visit No Facilities, where you can see some Titanic door this week..

CMMC: Denim Blue


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This week Cee’s challenged bloggers to share photos with denim blue so I’m sharing this photo of beautiful tiles found in the kitchen of the Pabst Mansion.

You can see more denim by clicking here.